The subjects: the best ‘superhero’ movie you’ve probably never seen

The Subjects: The Best ‘Superhero’ Movie You’ve Probably Never Seen

It doesn’t have the big budget of The Avengers or The Dark Knight and there aren’t any Earth-hating Gods or aliens, but 2015’s The Subjects does bring a unique angle to the question “what superpower would you want to have?”  When seven people – oh wait… 8 people (ya gotta watch that Phil fellow) – show up…

Top 10 worst big screen super-hero adaptations

Top 10 Worst Big Screen Super-Hero Adaptations

We’ve all experienced the disappointment when our favorite super-heroes FINALLY make it to the big screen…and the adaptation absolutely SUCKS. To a comic fan, this is akin to having all the air drained from our bodies, leaving us empty and listless. Okay, so that’s a tad melodramatic, but you get the idea. Here now (in…