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Facebook: Revisiting the Basic Fundamentals

There is a very valid reason why this blog idea popped into my head on a very sunny Sunday in March, and it’s because it’s an issue that occasionally needs to be addressed. While to some it may seem silly and repetitive – there is a need to take a moment to reflect on some of the most simple of social media protocol; thus it is important to revisit some of the fundamentals of Facebook.

Fundamentals of facebook

Fundamentals of Facebook: Management and Campaigns

While most often, social media campaigns may be run by one individual: The Social Media or Community Manger – there may be times you are sharing your social network with someone who may not share the same skills or understanding of what you are trying to build online. It could be a boss or a co-worker who needs to have their fingers in the pie, but we all know what happened to Simple Simon when that happened.

I know to some, posting information and images may be random, but to a lot of professionals in the social media world, there is a method to our madness – a reason if you will, as to why we post when we post, and how we post what we post.

Confused? Well, so are some of the people you work with.

The Primitive Facebook Philosophy

The very basis of Facebook is to share information, but with everyone sharing ALL THE TIME, it becomes annoying to have our newsfeeds filled with information from one person or topic at a constant pace.

This is why staggering posts has become a topic of education and discussion amongst teams, and professionals; and we do this all in the name of engaging and not annoying our followers.

Simple Rules When Posting Information on Facebook

  • Stagger your posts
  • Check your Insights for the best time to post
  • See who’s listening – your demographic
  • Always add photos if one doesn’t come up with the link
  • Always remove the hyperlink
  • Always ask questions
  • Check the Activity Log

The last point in the above list is the most important for newbie’s or unawares that have access to your Facebook posting abilities. The ability to schedule posts on Facebook is relatively new, and because it’s hidden from site, people who are not constantly scheduling, or designing the weeks theme, may not be aware of it – so make sure to point it out to them.

When you are trying to remain consistent with the above steps and someone on your team doesn’t: a) know what you’re doing or b) doesn’t care, it can shift the whole dynamics of what you’re trying to build. If this sounds silly to you then perhaps you are the person shifting the marketing of your businesses Facebook strategy.

Is Facebook Fun or is it Educational?

Believe it or not, sharing fun information on Facebook CAN be educational – it’s all in how you word the post. People are on this platform to connect with high school pals, family far away, or the people they worked with at MacDonald’s – what they don’t want on Facebook is to be lectured at; especially from a business.

While individuals may want to hear from you, and love what you have to say – it’s how you say it that is important. Big words and intricate language may push followers and supporters away from your brand – no matter how smart you are or what your business does. Always look at who’s listening to your posts.

So, how do we get beyond this?

Talk to your team, and explain why you do what you do when you do it….Talk to them about the importance of keeping your Facebook message consistent. Talk about the importance of language and show them the age demo of the individuals who follow you.

If you have team members who like to post on Facebook because they have something to share, you can’t fault them for it – but you can explain to them your companies “rules” when it comes to online content engagement.

If that doesn’t work, tell them they are banned from posting (this is actually easier to type than it would be to say), because while you appreciate that they want to post, and their participation is valuable – it may not jive with the plan you have written (or have in your head) about the social media strategy.

That being said (or ranted): How closely does your company or brand stick to these philosophies and are there tips and tricks you would like to add?