Mario movie in the works with nintendo & illumination entertainment partnership

Mario Movie In the Works With Nintendo & Illumination Entertainment Partnership

Late last week, Nintendo issued a press release offering a tiny bit more information about the animated Mario movie idea that’s been floating around since last year. Nintendo and Illumination Entertainment are apparently thismuch closer to finalizing the deal. Nintendo also tweeted this to further confirm things: Nintendo and Illumination are partnering on a movie starring…

5 of the most influential men in video game history

5 of the Most Influential Men in Video Game History

Video game history is full of those who have made video games what they are today and it would be a rather long article to try to talk about them all, so we have picked five of the best and most influential men in video game history to represent them all.   From Russia With Love:…

Nintendo Wii U To Have Dual GamePad Functionality? Not Any Time Soon

Introduction Before diving into the content revolving around the headline, allow me to throw in a personal touch. When I first heard about the Wii U and it’s GamePad a few years ago, at first glance, I honestly wasn’t all that impressed. In hindsight, this was simply because I was determined to shun the system…