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iOS App to Record What You Heard 5 Minutes Ago

If you’re one of those who tends to forget important instructions or details, here’s an iOS app to your rescue. Named ‘Heard’, this app will be recording everything your iDevice has heard from the past 5 minutes ago, helping you remember all those little, yet important details.


Once Heard is activated, it immediately begins recording everything audible around it. Now these recordings can go on and on, and of course, eat up a lot of space on your device as well. Heard counters this by simultaneously deleting everything it has recorded beyond 5 minutes ago.

So if you’ve missed something really important, all you need to do is open the app, and hit ‘Save’. The recordings can also be shared on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. E-mail is also an option.

The app records even when running in the background, which would’ve been kind of essential given the purpose the app aims to serve. While running in the background, it displays a red colored banner with the text ‘RECORDING’ on top of your screen, similar to the green banner you see when you’re in the middle of a call on the iPhone.

The app proclaims: “With HEARD installed on your iPhone, you have a powerful time-shifting app that lets you grab that otherwise missed audio.”

There’s a catch we haven’t mentioned yet, though. Although available for free, the app only records the last 12 seconds of your life for now.  To move on to bigger durations – such as 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 5 minutes, you’ll need an in-app purchase of $1.99.

But doesn’t iOS have its own built-in Voice Memos app for recordings? It records in the background as well. No disadvantages there. Heard intends to make it easier for you to keep track of essential stuff as Voice Memos would go on recording forever.

Of course, you should always make anyone whom you intend to record aware of your act. Without that, the app could lead to potential legal trouble for you.

Heard can be downloaded from the App Store here.