Goodbye clara? Rumor says doctor who companion is leaving at christmas

Goodbye Clara? Rumor Says Doctor Who Companion is Leaving At Christmas

Clara Oswin Oswald may not feel like she’s been around for a long time but she’ll actually have been the Doctor’s companion for 18 months when the new season rolls around (August 23rd!). But is that enough for actress Jenna Coleman? Enough Time and Space? The news was broken on Saturday by the Daily Mail, saying that…

Happy birthday, harry potter and jk rowling!

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter and JK Rowling!

Today marks Harry Potter’s 34th birthday, not the story but the character himself. It also marks creator JK Rowling’s 49th. Now, what’s look at what these two are up too. Harry Potter After a pretty rough childhood and teenage years, life has turned out pretty well for Harry James Potter. He remained very close with…

‘star wars vii’ plot leak: what we know

‘Star Wars VII’ Plot Leak: What We Know

Someone on the Internet seems to have sold their soul because this weekend we were greeted with a possible plot for the highly secretive Star Wars VII. But (and there’s every possibility this information isn’t accurate, will change or is even a diversion) if what we have his true, what does it mean? What We Know J.J…

The real ‘queen’s guard’ wows with game of thrones performance

The Real ‘Queen’s Guard’ Wows With Game Of Thrones Performance

A few weeks ago, the Queen of England herself took a trip to the set of Game of Thrones in Belfast, Ireland. And she seems to have really enjoyed it and decided to bring a little Westeros back to England. Changing Of The Guard Plays Game Of Thrones Theme The changing of the Guard is a time…

Snowpiercer: the Best Film of 2014 (That You Can Watch At Home)

Most Americans may not know South Korean film maker Bong Joon-ho but his English language debut film Snowpiercer may be one of the best films of the summer. And, even better, you can watch it at home. Something For Everyone Snowpiercer is based on a French graphic novel and is set in a post Ice Age world. Most…

Finally, we have some information on joe hill’s ‘horns’ film…. Kind of

Finally, We Have Some Information On Joe Hill’s ‘Horns’ Film….Kind Of

Joe Hill’s novel Horns was published in 2010. The movie was filmed and even shown at various festivals in 2013. And now, finally audiences can get a chance to see it. Sometime. Devil Inside Horns is the story of Ig Perrish, a twenty-something man who is still recovering from the murder of his girlfriend one prior and the…

“the leftovers”: fantasy for everyone

“The Leftovers”: Fantasy For Everyone

HBO has had some good lucky with fantasy TV shows, with Game of Thrones and True Blood coming to mind. This year it has added the slow-burning but absolutely gripping The Leftovers to it’s resume and although it may not be the same dragons and vampires as the more obvious fare, Leftovers is one of the stronger fantasy shows out this summer. The…

#keepmespoilerfree : doctor who scripts leaked

#KeepMeSpoilerFree : Doctor Who Scripts Leaked

This week, it was revealed that five scripts for the upcoming season 8 of Doctor Who had been leaked. The scripts were in transit for closed caption purpose and they got out. Information for Doctor Who is in high demand but the actual script for Peter Capaldi’s first appearance as the Doctor? Fan sites should have exploded. Which…

Revising the bechdel test: why it doesn’t always work for women

Revising The Bechdel Test: Why It Doesn’t Always Work For Women

Plenty of people talk about the Bechdel test and what movies pass it, but not as many know what it is. Contrary to popular belief, it does not say whether a movie is feminist or not but has since been taken into to mean that. When it was first developed in 1985 it simply stated…

Adapting the impossible: stephen king’s ‘the stand’

Adapting the Impossible: Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’

There’s always talk of adapting impossible movies but somehow studios go for it anyway. People raised eyebrows when books like As I Lay Dying or The Road were made into movies (the second was actually pretty good) but adapting a Stephen King book seems like a no brainer. His plots are interesting, his characters real and his language works…

Game of thrones vs a song of ice and fire: same world, new story

Game of Thrones vs A Song Of Ice And Fire: Same World, New Story

With every episode that airs, Game of Thrones finds itself running out of source material. With four seasons under it’s belt and characters spread across all seven nations, fans of the books and show alike my have to realize something; Game of Thrones may not be Game of Thrones.  Spoilers….Maybe The show runners for Game of Thrones find themselves in a…

Doctor who world tour: bringing the tardis to a city near you

Doctor Who World Tour: Bringing the Tardis to a City Near You

This year, the Tardis is leaving it’s home in Wales and going on a global tour. Starting in August new doctor Peter Capaldi, companion Jenna Coleman and show runner Steven Moffat are planning on going to 8 locations on 5 different continents to promote series 8, which is set to premiere in August. The tour…

You win or you die: who is playing the ‘game of thrones’ the best?

You Win Or You Die: Who Is Playing The ‘Game of Thrones’ The Best?

Everyone knows when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. But who’s doing the best, as of season 4 episode 8? (Daenerys is not included as she’s not actually in the game in Westeros). 5. Sansa Stark “The Mountain and the Viper” showed a side to Sansa Stark that has been…

5 fiction books that should be read in schools

5 Fiction Books That Should Be Read In Schools

When you ask people about books they read in school you’re likely to get some disgusted faces and hear the word “hate” tossed around more than a few times. Worse, they will tell you they didn’t actually read the books or don’t use services like to save time for reading. For most people the…

5 secondary actors who are in all your fandoms

5 Secondary Actors Who Are In All Your Fandoms

There are thousands of fandoms out there and thousands of actors. But there are always familiar faces that pop up, so here are the five actors who are in all your fandoms. 5. Bill Nighy Ok, you probably know him. How could you not? He’s been in every kind of movie imaginable from spoof films (he…