Advertise with geek insider

When advertising with Geek Insider, you are reaching over 300K viewers to our website and social media outreach.

Our relationship with amazing brands is built upon quality and trust.

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Advertising Opportunities

Advertise with geek insider


Reach a diverse audience directly in their inbox by placing an ad in our weekly newsletter.


Our YouTube channel includes Geek Speak, Lady Geek, and video reviews. Your audio/visual advertisement will be presented by our hosts during our videostream.

Advertise with geek insider
Advertise with geek insider


Geek Insider Podcast is hosted on iTunes. Have your products and services advertised during our podcast.

Articles, Press Releases, and Reviews

We write press releases and reviews to post to our site or yours. Our professional writers are intuitive and conscientious of SEO and brand building.

Wrote your own? Great! We can publish to our site with backlinks to yours. 

Advertise with geek insider

Buy, Barter, or Bribe

It is so easy! This is a unique opportunity to reach a broad audience. Simply contact our Geek Insider team. Let us know your budget and we will fashion an advertising package catered to your specific needs.

Advertise with geek insider
Advertise with geek insider

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